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How to Copy and Move Data Between PostgreSQL Instances Hosted at Different Hosts

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure you have administrative access to both PostgreSQL instances.
    • Install PostgreSQL tools on your local machine if not already present. This includes pg_dump and pg_restore.
  2. Exporting Data from the Source Instance:

    • Use pg_dump to create a backup of your database:
      pg_dump -h [source_host] -p [source_port] -U [source_username] -d [source_database] -F c -b -v -f "[backup_file].dump"
    • Replace [source_host], [source_port], [source_username], [source_database], and [backup_file] with your source instance details and desired backup file name.
  3. Transferring the Backup File:

    • Securely transfer the .dump file to the host where the target PostgreSQL instance resides.
  4. Importing Data into the Target Instance:

    • Use pg_restore to load the backup into the target database:
      pg_restore -h [target_host] -p [target_port] -U [target_username] -d [target_database] -v "[backup_file].dump"
    • Replace [target_host], [target_port], [target_username], [target_database], and [backup_file] with your target instance details.
  5. Verification:

    • Verify the data integrity and completeness in the target database.

For detailed instructions and troubleshooting, refer to the Tembo documentation on Data Migration.

Best Practices and Recommendations

  • Backup Verification: Always verify the integrity of the backup file before proceeding.
  • Network Security: Ensure secure network channels (like VPNs or SSH tunnels) during data transfer.
  • Performance Tuning: For large databases, consider tuning parameters like maintenance_work_mem and wal_buffers during import/export for faster operations.
  • Monitoring: Monitor the process for any errors or warnings in the PostgreSQL logs.
  • Downtime Planning: Be aware of the potential downtime during migration and plan accordingly.

Moving Data Between Databases Within the Same PostgreSQL Instance

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure you have administrative access to the PostgreSQL instance.
    • Confirm the names of the source and target databases.
  2. Exporting Data from the Source Database:

    • Use pg_dump to create a backup of the source database:
      pg_dump -U [username] -d [source_database] -F c -b -v -f "[backup_file].dump"
    • Replace [username], [source_database], and [backup_file] with appropriate values.
  3. Importing Data into the Target Database:

    • Use pg_restore to load the backup into the target database:
      pg_restore -U [username] -d [target_database] -v "[backup_file].dump"
    • Replace [username], [target_database], and [backup_file] with relevant details.
  4. Verification:

    • Verify the transferred data in the target database.

Best Practices and Recommendations

  • Data Consistency: Ensure that the target database schema is compatible with the source data.
  • Testing: Test the data transfer process in a staging environment before applying to production.
  • Transaction Management: Use transactions where possible to maintain atomicity.
  • Cleanup: After successful migration, consider cleaning up any redundant data in the source database.
  • Security: Ensure proper roles and permissions are set in the target database to maintain data security.

Following these steps and adhering to the best practices should provide a smooth experience in moving data between PostgreSQL instances and databases.