How Tembo Cloud stores Prometheus metrics data in PostgreSQL

May 22, 2024 6 min read
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On Tembo Cloud, you can see the status of your database with a Good or Error icon.

good-status error-status

In the above image, you can also see the status of the Tembo Cloud instance over time. This is an example of a feature that needs time series data.

Metrics data is a good example of time series and you can efficiently store and query it directly from PostgreSQL. Let’s take a look at how this is done in Tembo Cloud.

Using Prometheus to collect instance metrics

At Tembo, we are using Prometheus to collect metrics data from our systems. Prometheus collects metrics data by performing HTTP GET requests to metric endpoints on a schedule. Metrics endpoints display current metric values, and Prometheus remembers the data collected on each GET request.

pg_isready{"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1"} 1
pg_isready{"instance_id"="inst_1712988060091_zDBrD1_5"} 0
  • Example metrics endpoint, returning one metric with two sets of labels. This data represents the Postgres availability status at the the current time for two Tembo instances.

Prometheus stores metrics as time series data, where each time series is a timestamp and value tuple associated to a set of labels. In the below example, we can see an excerpt of a Prometheus API response, which includes a time series for each instance, each with a timestamp and value.

    "metric": {
      "name": "pg_isready",
      "instance_id": "inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1"
    "values": [
      [1711997495, "0"],
      [1711997595, "1"],
      [1711997695, "0"]
    "metric": {
      "name": "pg_isready",
      "instance_id": "inst_1712988060091_zDBrD1_5"
    "values": [
      [1711997495, "0"],
      [1711997595, "0"],
      [1711997695, "1"]

Storing metrics data in Postgres

In order to use the Prometheus metrics data in our system, we needed a simple and efficient way to store it in PostgreSQL.

A simple data model for storing any Prometheus data consists of two tables metrics_labels and metrics_values:


1cpu_seconds{"pod": "pod-1", ...}
2cpu_seconds{"pod": "pod-2", ...}
3memory_bytes{"pod": "pod-1", ...}
4memory_bytes{"pod": "pod-2", ...}


12024-05-15 10:01:00150000
22024-05-15 10:01:00300000
32024-05-15 10:01:00450000000
42024-05-15 10:01:00600000000
12024-05-15 10:00:00140000
22024-05-15 10:00:00280000
32024-05-15 10:00:00430000000
42024-05-15 10:00:00580000000

This data model allows us to store all metrics data in a table metric_values, which we can optimize for time series data. Each row includes the timestamp, metric value, and a reference to the set of labels and metric name for that data point.

In the metric_labels table, each row is unique by (name, labels), so that we know which metric name and set of labels each data point has. Examples of different labels are instance ID, organization ID, and so on. Each set of labels for a given metric name represents an independent time series history.

Efficiently managing cardinality

If you’re familiar with metrics systems like Prometheus, you are likely familiar with Cardinality. Cardinality means how many different sets of labels there may be for any given metric.

For example, consider a hypothetical metric like this

failed_queries{"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="postgres"} 11
failed_queries{"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="foobar"} 1
failed_queries{"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="example"} 1
failed_queries{"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="another-db"} 1

In this case, the metric is tracking the number of failed queries per instance, per database within each instance. This metric may have high cardinality because of the label database. If an instance has a lot of different databases, for example hundreds or thousands, this could be a lot of unique label sets. As there needs to be a unique row for each set of labels, you would get a very high number of rows in the table metric_labels.

1 | failed_queries | {"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="postgres"}
2 | failed_queries | {"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="foobar"}
3 | failed_queries | {"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="example"}
4 | failed_queries | {"instance_id"="inst_1712807947520_WRlT82_1", database="another-db"}

We can reduce this cardinality and make our queries efficient by aggregating our data by the dimensions we care about most. In this case, we can aggregate by instance_id, so we don’t need to have a separate set of labels for each (instance_id, database).

To manage and control cardinality, we focus on specific labels required by our application. Here’s our simplified model, only remembering the metric name and instance ID in order to keep our metrics simple:




12024-05-15 10:01:001
22024-05-15 10:01:0015
32024-05-15 10:01:001
42024-05-15 10:01:000
12024-05-15 10:00:001
22024-05-15 10:00:0011
32024-05-15 10:00:000
42024-05-15 10:00:000

Partitioning for efficient querying

Queries are efficient on partitioned data because queries that specify a time-based filter, for example “find instances that have been down in the last day” can skip all the partitions of metric_values that are outside of that range. We use pg_partman for easily managing partitions in PostgreSQL.

We will also use pg_cron to delete rows in the metrics_labels table that no longer correspond to any metrics data.

Here’s how those tables were set up:

-- Create the metric_labels table, unique by (metric name, instance ID)
CREATE TABLE metric_labels (
    name TEXT NOT NULL,
    instance_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES instances (instance_id),
    CONSTRAINT unique_metric_label UNIQUE (name, instance_id)

CREATE INDEX idx_metric_labels_name ON metric_labels (name);
CREATE INDEX idx_metric_labels_instance_id ON metric_labels (instance_id);

CREATE TABLE metric_values (
    label_id INTEGER REFERENCES metric_labels (id),

-- Index on the partition key
CREATE INDEX idx_metric_values_time ON metric_values (time);
CREATE INDEX idx_metric_values_label_id ON metric_values (label_id);

-- Enable automatic partitioning with pg_partman
SELECT create_parent('public.metric_values', 'time', 'native', '1 day');

-- Configure retention policy for metric_values to keep partitions for 90 days
UPDATE part_config
    SET retention = '90 days',
        retention_keep_table = false,
        retention_keep_index = false,
        infinite_time_partitions = true
    WHERE parent_table = 'public.metric_values';

This pg_partman configuration automatically drops metrics_values partitions that are older than 90 days old. To keep the metric_labels table clean, we schedule a daily job to delete unused labels using pg_cron:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_unused_metric_labels() RETURNS void AS $$
    DELETE FROM metric_labels
    WHERE id NOT IN (
        SELECT DISTINCT label_id
        FROM metric_values
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- Schedule the delete_unused_metric_labels function to run daily at 8:00 AM
SELECT cron.schedule('0 8 * * *', 'SELECT delete_unused_metric_labels()');

By leveraging pg_partman and pg_cron, we now have a simple way of efficiently storing metrics.

Further optimizing with Tembo Time Series Stack

This data model helps us efficiently store time series data for our use case. However, as our dataset gets larger and queries get complex, we’ll need more features like compression, long-term retention, and analytical functions.

At Tembo, we recently released our Time Series Stack which makes it very easy to work with time series data efficiently with PostgreSQL. To store your own time series data, you can deploy the Time Series Stack with a single click on Tembo Cloud.

If you’d like to work with Prometheus data from inside of Postgres, you can also look at prometheus_fdw on GitHub, or read about it in the blog.

We plan to migrate this system to the time series stack to use all the time series features Postgres and it’s extensions can provide. You can look forward to our blog covering that journey.