Introducing PGMQ: Simple Message Queues built on Postgres

Aug 3, 2023 5 min read
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We’ve released PGMQ: a packaged extension for message queues on Postgres. Developers have been implementing queues on Postgres in many different ways and we’re excited to combine lessons learned from those projects into a simple, feature-rich extension. You can try PGMQ on Tembo Cloud as part of our Message Queue Stack.

info Message Queue Stack

Tembo Cloud’s Message Queue Stack is powered by PGMQ, but also ships with Postgres configurations optimized for message queue workloads. We also provide additional metrics and data visualizations specific to message queues.

Some exciting features of the project include:

  • Guaranteed exactly-once delivery of messages within a visibility timeout
  • Optional archival of messages retention for replayability and retention
  • Familiar SQL interface
  • Single and Batch read of messages
  • Client SDKs in both Rust and Python for an ORM-like feel

The need for message queues

Message queues are a very common architectural feature used to manage operational pipelines, particularly for asynchronous tasks and distributed systems. There are products in the market that support message queues (Kafka, RSMQ, RabbitMQ, SQS); however, when adopting one of these technologies, you increase your cognitive load, required skills and production support overhead.

Building your queues on Postgres

While building our own infrastructure, we ran into a need for a job queue to manage tasks between our control-plane and data-plane in our managed cloud offering. Our control-plane publishes tasks like create postgres cluster, and update postgres cluster.

Since we are a Postgres startup, we decided to build the queue on Postgres. Note that we are not the first to do this! Companies like Dagster and CrunchyData have also implemented queues on Postgres and written about it; PostgresFM even dedicated an entire podcast episode to queues.

We are the first, however, to wrap it all up in a Postgres extension and share the implementation with the community.

Queues Implemented with best practices

PGMQ was implemented on Postgres and follows industry best practices. One of the most important practices is the use of Postgres’s SKIP LOCKED, which is similar to NOWAIT in other databases. SKIP LOCKED helps ensure that consumers don’t hang. This is generally paired with FOR UPDATE, which locks the message and ensure it is not read twice. PGMQ also supports partitioning, which is particularly beneficial for large queues and can be used to efficiently archive / expire old messages.

PGMQ provides exactly-once delivery semantics within a visibility timeout. Similar to Amazon’s SQS and RSMQ, PGMQ consumers set the period of time during which Postgres will prevent all consumers from receiving and processing a message. This is done by the consumer on read, and once the visibility timeout expires the message becomes available for consumption once again. That way, if a consumer crashes, there is no data loss. This effectively means at-least-once delivery semantics once the first visibility timeout has expired.


Using PGMQ

To get started, check out our README to install the extension.

Creating a Queue

You can create a new queue by simply calling

SELECT pgmq_create('my_queue');

Sending Messages to Queue

Then, pgmq_send() a couple messages to the queue. The message id is returned from the send() function.

SELECT * from pgmq_send('my_queue', '{"foo": "bar1"}');
SELECT * from pgmq_send('my_queue', '{"foo": "bar2"}');
(1 row)

(1 row)

Reading from Queue

Read 2 messages from the queue. Make them invisible for 30 seconds. If the messages are not deleted or archived within 30 seconds, they will become visible again and can be read by another consumer.

SELECT * from pgmq_read('my_queue', 30, 2);
 msg_id | read_ct |              vt               |          enqueued_at          |    message
      1 |       1 | 2023-02-07 04:56:00.650342-06 | 2023-02-07 04:54:51.530818-06 | {"foo":"bar1"}
      2 |       1 | 2023-02-07 04:56:00.650342-06 | 2023-02-07 04:54:51.530818-06 | {"foo":"bar2"}

If the queue is empty, or if all messages are currently invisible, no rows will be returned.

SELECT * from pgmq_read('my_queue', 30, 1);
 msg_id | read_ct | vt | enqueued_at | message

Archiving from Queue

Archiving removes the message from the queue and inserts it to the queue’s archive table. This provides you with an opt-in retention mechanism for messages, and is an excellent way to debug applications.

Archive the message with id 2.

SELECT * from pgmq_archive('my_queue', 2);

Then inspect the message on the archive table.

SELECT * from pgmq_my_queue_archive;
 msg_id | read_ct |         enqueued_at          |          deleted_at           |              vt               |     message
      2 |       1 | 2023-04-25 00:55:40.68417-05 | 2023-04-25 00:56:35.937594-05 | 2023-04-25 00:56:20.532012-05 | {"foo": "bar2"}```

Deleting from Queue

Alternatively, you can delete a message forever.

SELECT * from pgmq_send('my_queue', '{"foo": "bar3"}');
(1 row)
SELECT pgmq_delete('my_queue', 3);

Getting involved

Give us a star and try out PGMQ by cloning the repo and following the example in the README. Please use Github issues if you run into any issues or have any feedback. We’ve also built client side libraries in Rust and Python, which will give you an ORM-like experience.

Interested in learning more?

Check out our post on pg_later, an extension we built on top of PGMQ as well as benchmarks comparing PGMQ to SQS and Redis.

You can also try PGMQ on Tembo Cloud for free as part of our Message Queue Stack.