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Install Tembo Self Hosted on GCP GKE

This guide describes the steps to install Tembo Self Hosted on GCP, which allows you to deploy a high-performance, fully-extensible managed Postgres service within a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster.

Step 1: Obtain prerequisites

Before starting this tutorial, you must install and configure the following tools and resources that you need to create and manage Tembo Self Hosted on an GCP GKE cluster.

Step 2: Choose and setup a base domain

For the Tembo services, you will need to select a base domain, such as

Once you have chosen your base domain, you must ensure you have the capacity to add and modify DNS records for it.

With this setup, your users will be able to access various subdomains to manage, monitor and run Postgres on the platform:

  • Software UI:
  • Backend requests:
  • Tembo Dataplane:

Step 3: Configure a Google Cloud project

Once you’re logged in with either gcloud auth login or gcloud init, ensure you have a Google Cloud project ID for your Tembo deployment.

Creating a new project:

export PROJECT_ID=your-project-id

gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --name="tembo-self-hosted"

Ensure your project was created

$ gcloud projects list

PROJECT_ID           NAME               PROJECT_NUMBER
your-project-id      tembo-self-hosted  123456789101

Set gcloud to use your new project

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Set a compute zone for your cluster

Check the list of all compute zones through gcloud or in Regions and zones:

$ gcloud compute zones list
NAME                       REGION                   STATUS  NEXT_MAINTENANCE  TURNDOWN_DATE
us-east1-b                 us-east1                 UP
us-east1-c                 us-east1                 UP

Then set your preferred compute zone for your project:

export COMPUTE_ZONE=europe-west1-b

gcloud config set compute/zone $COMPUTE_ZONE

Step 4: Create a GCP GKE cluster

Enable the Kubernetes Engine API by either running gcloud services enable or through the Google Cloud console.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

export CLUSTER_NAME=your-cluster-name
export MACHINE_TYPE=n4-standard-4
export K8S_VERSION=1.28
export COMPUTE_ZONE=$(gcloud config get-value compute/zone)

gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --enable-autoscaling \
    --zone $COMPUTE_ZONE \
    --addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver \
    --cluster-version $K8S_VERSION \
    --machine-type $MACHINE_TYPE \
    --max-nodes 10 \
    --min-nodes 10

If you wish to use an existing cluster, make sure that the CSI driver is enabled:

gcloud container clusters $CLUSTER_NAME --update-addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver=ENABLED

For more details on creating instances, please refer to Creating a zonal cluster.

Step 5: Configure kubectl to work with GKE clusters

gke-gcloud-auth-plugin must be installed in order to use kubectl and other clients to interact with GKE.

Check if it’s already installed by running gke-gcloud-auth-plugin --version.

Installing the plugin

gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

Update kubectl to use the plugin

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME \

Verify the configuration

You should be able to see output similar to the following:

$ kubectl get namespaces
NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   51d
kube-node-lease   Active   51d
kube-public       Active   51d
kube-system       Active   51d

Step 6: Install Helm dependencies

Install cert-manager

helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --create-namespace \
  --version v1.14.4 --set installCRDs=true

Step 7: Install the Tembo Helm chart

Clone the Tembo Self Hosted repository:

git clone

Now, within the cloned tembo-self-hosted directory, create a file my-values.yaml with the following content:

  monitoringEnabled: true
  conductorEnabled: false
  traefikEnabled: true
      - name: CLERK_SECRET_KEY
        value: <secret-key>
      - name: SELF_HOSTED
        value: "true"
      - name: INTERCOM_SECRET
        value: "xx1XX9AxxTxL46iOWVqmvEIN2dEeE9ASm-XXXXXod"
        value: ""
        value: ""
        value: "xxxxixeb"
        value: ""
        value: ""
        value: "local"
      - name: APP_ENV
        value: "localhost"
        value: "phc_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        value: "pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      - name: CLERK_SECRET_KEY
        value: "sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        value: "true"
        value: "false"
      - name: NEXT_PUBLIC_SPOT
        value: "false"
        value: "false"
        value: "false"

The base domain should be the same one created in Step 2. Please contact our support team if you need any help obtaining these values.

Now, let’s install the Tembo Self Hosted Helm chart in your GKE cluster:

helm install tembo . -f my-values.yaml -n tembo --create-namespace

This will start up some of the required Tembo components, but not all.

Step 8: Configure DNS for Traefik’s Load Balancer

The Tembo Helm chart, installed in the previous step, will have spun up Traefik as its load balancer.

We can check the external IP assigned to the Traefik’s Load Balancer by running the following command:

% kubectl get svc -n tembo | grep traefik
NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                       AGE
traefik   LoadBalancer  1234:56789/TCP,80:12345/TCP   45m

An A DNS record must be created to re-route * to the assigned Traefik external IP. See Set up DNS records for a domain name with Cloud DNS for further instructions.

Using the gcloud CLI, the process would be:


gcloud dns managed-zones create tembo-dns-zone \
    --description="Tembo DNS zone" \

gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone=tembo-dns-zone

gcloud dns record-sets transaction add $TRAEFIK_EXTERNAL_IP \
    --name="*" \
    --ttl=300 \
    --type=A \

gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute --zone=tembo-dns-zone

Verify the zone worked:

gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=tembo-dns-zone
$ nslookup

Step 9: Start the Tembo Controller

Let’s now enable the conductor component:

  monitoringEnabled: true
  conductorEnabled: true
  traefikEnabled: true

Upgrade the Self Hosted Helm chart so that changes take effect:

helm upgrade tembo . -f my-values.yaml -n tembo

Step 10: Check the status of the installation

❯ kubectl get po -n tembo
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS        RESTARTS        AGE
control-plane-1                                       1/1     Running       0               30m
control-plane-1-initdb-xxxxx                          0/1     Terminating   0               30m
control-plane-queue-1                                 1/1     Running       0               30m
control-plane-queue-1-initdb-xxxxx                    0/1     Terminating   0               30m
loki-backend-0                                        2/2     Running       0               30m
loki-backend-1                                        2/2     Running       0               30m
loki-backend-2                                        2/2     Running       0               30m
loki-gateway-xxxxxx                                   1/1     Running       0               30m
loki-read-xxxxxx                                      1/1     Running       0               30m
loki-read-xxxxxx                                      1/1     Running       0               30m
loki-write-0                                          1/1     Running       0               30m
loki-write-1                                          1/1     Running       0               30m
prometheus-tembo-kube-prometheus-stac-prometheus-0    2/2     Running       0               30m
tembo-cloudnative-pg-xxxxxx                           1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-conductor-xxxxxx                                1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-conductor-metrics-xxxxxx                        1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-conductor-watcher-xxxxxx                        1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-controller-xxxxxx                               1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-cp-metrics-watcher-xxxxxx                       1/1     Running       5 (30m ago)     30m
tembo-cp-reconciler-xxxxxx                            1/1     Running       5 (30m ago)     30m
tembo-cp-service-xxxxxx                               1/1     Running       5 (30m ago)     30m
tembo-cp-webserver-xxxxxx                             1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-dataplane-webserver-xxxxxx                      1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-grafana-xxxxxx                                  3/3     Running       0               30m
tembo-grafana-agent-operator-xxxxxx                   1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-init-cp-db-xxxxx                                0/1     Completed     0               30m
tembo-init-cp-queue-db-xxxxx                          0/1     Completed     0               30m
tembo-k8s-event-logger-xxxxxx                         1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-kube-prometheus-stac-operator-xxxxxx            1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-kube-state-metrics-xxxxxx                       1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-label-namespace-xxxxx                           0/1     Completed     0               30m
tembo-minio-0                                         1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-pod-init-xxxxxx                                 1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-tembo-ui-xxxxxx                                 1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-traefik-xxxxxx                                  1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-traefik-xxxxxx                                  1/1     Running       0               30m
tembo-traefik-xxxxxx                                  1/1     Running       0               30m

Step 11: Access the Tembo Self Hosted

Access the Tembo Self Hosted UI by visiting in your browser. Replace with your domain name chosen in Step 2.


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Tembo self hosted